Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Fiber-reinforced composites for wearable radiation shielding material in nuclear disaster & radiation emergency: Novel approach


International Research Awards on Fiberreinforced Polymer

Fiber reinforcement plays a pivotal role in the world of composite materials,

enhancing their structural integrity, strength, and performance. Composites, consisting of a

matrix material and embedded fibers, are used in various industries, from aerospace to

automotive and construction. Exploring fibre reinforced composites with a novel approach

for developing wearable radiation shielding devices in radiation protection, radiation

emergency and nuclear disaster management. Types of fibers commonly used in composite

materials, including carbon fibers, glass fibers, aramid fibers, and natural fibers, each

offering unique properties suited to specific applications. Although Lead has been the

traditional gold standard for wearable radiation shielding for many decades. Numerous

health and occupational hazards. (Lead Toxicity), Heavy weight , uncomfortable for

prolonged use. Work related Musculoskeletal disorders (WMSD) are associated problems.

Researchers are exploring advance new materials like Nylon-6 , KEVLAR ( aramid fibres) for

its mechanical strength and suitability in wearable composites for radiation protection. The

study explores innovative Nylon-6-based silicone rubber composites, incorporating fillers

effective in the 140 keV gamma to 511 keV positron energy range. Composites with 60%

bismuth oxide and 50% aluminium powder show exceptional mechanical strength and

superior radiation attenuation capabilities. Novelty of Nylon-6-based silicone rubber

composites offer a promising, lead-free alternative for wearable radiation protection.

Potential advancements in nanocomposites with bismuth and aluminum additives can

further enhance radiation shielding technologies.

Materials & Method: The study explores innovative Nylon-6-based silicone rubber

composites, incorporating fillers effective in the 140 keV gamma to 511 keV positron energy

range. Composites with 60% bismuth oxide and 50% aluminium powder show exceptional

mechanical strength and superior radiation attenuation capabilities. Novelty of Nylon-6-

based silicone rubber composites offer a promising, lead-free alternative for wearable

radiation protection. Potential advancements in nanocomposites with bismuth and

aluminum additives can further enhance radiation shielding technologies. Scanning Electron

Microscope (SEM) (ZEISS EVO 18 Special Edition): Observed microphotographs of samples.

Geiger Muller Counter (M/S Para Electronics Mumbai): Used to assess radiation parameters.


TSN-4 showed optimal performance across multiple energy ranges (140 keV to 511

keV). Comparison with Lead: TSN-4 shows promising results as a lead alternative.


Nylon-6 based silicon rubber composites, particularly TSN-4, demonstrate

excellent mechanical and radiation attenuation properties. Potential to replace lead in

radiation shielding applications to develop wearable devices.

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