Monday, June 24, 2024

New Composite Bridge in Tennessee Showcases Sustainable Solution for Aging Infrastructure


But a new, high-tech bridge in north central Tennessee is equipped with a fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) composite material bridge deck embedded with fiber optic sensors. It replaced a damaged, decades-old concrete crossing which, like thousands of rural, low-volume bridges across the state and nation, was rated structurally deficient and outdated.

According to the American Society of Civil Engineers, about 8 percent of the more than 617,000 bridges in the U.S. are structurally deficient and need repair. FRP composites offer a low-cost, low-maintenance option and the new structure in rural Tennessee and is intended to demonstrate the benefits of composite materials for rural bridge work.

"This composite bridge has already made a positive impact on Morgan County," said Morgan County Highway Superintendent Joe Miller, who added county officials were looking for a low-maintenance bridge that could be installed fast and at a lower cost than traditional methods. "We have numerous bridges within the county and hundreds across the state that are in need of repair and could benefit from this technology."

For Morgan County, the lightweight, easy-to-install bridge comes at no cost, courtesy of the composites industry. Working together under the umbrella of the Institute for Advanced Composites Manufacturing Innovation, or IACMI—The Composites Institute®, almost a dozen private companies led by Tennessee-based Composite Applications Group (CAG) partnered with industry organizations and university researchers to make the composite bridge a reality.

Developed by Structural Composites Inc. (SCI), the 16-feet-long and 25-feet-wide bridge deck is engineered for high-strength and is 90 percent lighter than concrete. It has two 8-by-25-foot corrosion resistant FRP deck panels that were fabricated off-site in a controlled environment.

Because the completed bridge sections were so lightweight, they could be transported to the bridge site and installed in one day using a forklift, reducing installation time and energy costs by requiring less construction equipment for on-site preparation.

IACMI Technology Manager John Unser, who is also vice president of program and project management for CAG, said composites have been used for bridge deck applications for more than 20 years and have exceeded all performance and safety standards set by the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO). But when it comes to composite bridge decking, he said, many transportation departments across the country, especially those from smaller jurisdictions, are not familiar with the technology.

IACMI and its industry partners are developing a comprehensive case study based on the Morgan County bridge project, including comparing total costs of a typical concrete bridge and one using an FRP bridge deck. Unser said the results will be shared with federal, state and local officials, transportation departments and the civil engineering community so FRP composites will be more a "known" to them.

University of Tennessee, Knoxville (UTK) researchers and engineering students from the Fibers and Composites Manufacturing Facility are part of the bridge partnership. They embedded smart fiber optic sensors developed by Luna Innovations into the bridge surface during production. These high-density sensors are being used to monitor the composite deck system over time to give critical performance and safety data, thus providing a sustainable solution for aging infrastructures such as bridges. In addition, wireless technology developed at UT is being utilized for monitoring the response of the bridge system and traffic counts remotely via cloud computing.

"Lack of durability data is one of the major barriers of the adoption of novel and advance materials including carbon, basalt, or glass fiber reinforced polymeric composites in civil infrastructure," said Dayakar Penumadu, the Fred N. Peebles Professor in the Tickle College of Engineering at UT and Characterization Fellow for Materials and Processing for IACMI.

Penumadu added, "this is a major obstacle for integrating new materials and structures quickly and thus require successful demonstration as being done through this IACMI project. Bridge decks are the most damage prone elements, and we are integrating smart sensors distributed throughout the composite bridge deck that will provide us valuable performance data with time for years to come."

To learn more about the Morgan County bridge project and how FRP bridges offer a sustainable solution to the nation's crumbling infrastructure, visit

Collaborative Partnership

Led by IACMI, CAG, and the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, a collaboration of private companies contributed expertise and materials such as adhesives, epoxies, coatings and resins, preforms and reinforcements to the Morgan County bridge project. These include SCI, McKinney Excavating Inc., Luna Innovations, Steffen Structural Engineering, Neel-Schaffer Inc., Interplastic Corporation, Engineered Bonding Solutions LLC, West System, Superior Fiberglass, METYX Composites and Compsys, Inc.

About IACMI – The Composites Institute

The Institute for Advanced Composites Manufacturing Innovation (IACMI), managed by the Collaborative Composite Solutions Corporation (CCS), is a partnership of industry, universities, national laboratories, and federal, state and local governments working together to benefit the nation's energy and economic security by sharing existing resources and co-investing to accelerate innovative research and development in the advanced composites field. CCS is a not-for-profit organization established by The University of Tennessee Research Foundation. The national Manufacturing USA institute is supported by a $70 million commitment from the U.S. Department of Energy's Advanced Manufacturing Office, and over $180 million committed from IACMI's partners. Learn more at Follow @IACMIhq on Twitter, or LinkedIn, or @IACMI on Facebook.

Two 8x25 feet composite bridge decks were manufactured offsite in a controlled environment, transported to the construction site in north central Tennessee, and installed in one day using a forklift.

Developed by Structural Composites Inc., the composite bridge deck is comprised of two 8-by-25 foot fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) deck panels that are engineered for high-strength, corrosion resistant and 90 percent lighter than concrete.

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Thursday, June 20, 2024

Applications of FRP Grating from Ocean to Sky


The application of FRP gratings is from the ocean to the sky, from the deck paving of ships to aviation technology, with more and more applications and more complete functions.

First, for metal surface treatment: for example, it can be used in most places of pickling liquid, and as a substitute for wooden floors around some machines and around some highly corrosive containers. In addition, it is laid on the aisle of the electroplating line or used as a double floor.

Second, used in marine food processing plants: for example, in those slippery grounds, with harsh environments such as damp and salty tides, or in ships that need to go to sea and have the same environment as above.

Third, used in the transportation industry: FRP grating can be used as a platform, or as a bedding for the deck of a ship, paved walkways for anti-skid, and even military minesweepers need the help of FRP grating, and then the use as stair tread.

Fourth, used in the production workshops of the beverage industry: the stair slabs can be replaced with glass steel gratings, and can also be used to replace expensive stainless steel to reduce costs, and can also be covered with load floors to protect the environment.

Fifth, used in pulp processing plants: general glass fiber reinforced plastic gratings can be used in the stairs of this type of processing plant, as the slabs and floor slabs of the stairs, the walkways of the floor, and the places with high relative humidity to protect the building Protect objects from abrasion and anti-skid, etc.

The five types mentioned above describe the application of FRP gratings in more detail. In addition to these, FRP gratings are also used in environmental protection and aerospace science and technology, and they can play a key role.

Due to the excellent corrosion resistance of FRP grating, it is widely used in stairs, handrails, operating platforms, aisles, etc. in petroleum, water conservancy, textile printing and dyeing, food processing, electronics industry, sewage treatment, shipbuilding, civil construction, power engineering, power substations, and chemical industries. Drainage system, seabed identification marks, sucker rods of oil wells, various anti-corrosion supports.

FRP gratings are usually used as floors, walkways, work platforms, stairways, ditch covers, etc., and are the primary product for wet and slippery environments, hot and humid rust areas, and corrosion areas. Such as electroplating plants, cooling towers, dock projects, sewage treatment plants, etc.

 Advantages of FRP grating:

Friday, June 14, 2024

A review on the mechanical properties of synthetic and natural fiber-reinforced polymer composites and their application in the transportation industry


The application of fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) composites has achieved significant attention in the industry of transportation, specifically as metal substitutes due to a need for fabricating stable and fuel-efficient airplanes, vehicles, and ships. Excellent strength, resistance to corrosion, lightweight, and suitable fatigue endurance are some of the desirable properties that would encourage the use of FRP composites in the transportation sector. Polymer-based composite materials, combining the favorable properties of both polymer matrix and reinforcing fibers, can contribute to several excellent behaviors of the obtained material. Epoxy, polyethylene, and polypropylene are the primary polymer matrices used in FRP composites. The main reinforcing fibers incorporated in fiber-reinforced composites are made out of glass, carbon, basalt, hemp, or natural resources (e.g., sisal and jute). Due to high cost, low Young's modulus, low durability, and linear stress?strain behavior to failure of the FRP materials, which are used in transportation infrastructure, the objective of this review article is to study the recent aspect of reinforced polymers with a close focus on their mechanical properties in order to evaluate their application in maritime, automotive, and aerospace.


A.V. Oskouei, A. Jafari, M. Bazli, R. Ghahri, Effect of different retrofitting techniques on in-plane behavior of masonry wallettes, Construction and Building Materials 169 (2018) 578-590.

A.V. Oskouei, M.P. Kivi, H. Araghi, M. Bazli, Experimental study of the punching behavior of GFRP reinforced lightweight concrete footing, Materials and Structures 50(6) (2017) 1-14.

M. Bazli, X.-L. Zhao, Y. Bai, R.S. Raman, S. Al-Saadi, A. Haque, Durability of pultruded GFRP tubes subjected to seawater sea sand concrete and seawater envi-ronments, Construction and Building Materials 245 (2020) 118399.


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Tuesday, June 11, 2024

KU researchers explore FRP materials for dams, levee reinforcement


To address aging infrastructure, a team of researchers at KU is conducting research into repairing and retrofitting 700-plus dams, levees and related structures nationwide using FRP materials.

University of Kansas School of Engineering (Lawrence, Kan., U.S.) researchers are partnering with U.S. federal agencies in efforts to reinforce dams and levees across the U.S. using fiber-reinforced polymers, sensors, artificial intelligence and drones.

The five-year, $7.7 million project is a partnership between KU, the U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center (ERDC), the Department of Homeland Security’s Science and Technology Directorate and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE).

The KU team of researchers is led by Caroline Bennett, Dean R. and Florence W. Frisbie Associate Chair of Graduate Studies, Glenn L. Parker Faculty Fellow and professor of civil, environmental and architectural engineering.

“The project focuses on developing repairs and retrofits for the inventory of concrete dams in the U.S., with an emphasis on efficient damage detection,” Bennett says. “In addition to repair methods, we’ll be using fiber-reinforced polymer materials, or FRPs, to address damage. Specifically, we’re targeting sliding at lift joints, restraining rocking between crest block and dam body during seismic loading, and damage on concrete spillways of dams. Our goal is to extend the usable lives of existing concrete dam infrastructure, which was mostly built in the 1930s and 1940s.”

Several of the dams and levees from this era have experienced catastrophic failures in recent years due to disrepair. A recent assessment concluded the nation’s dams and levees require $93.6 billion in upgrades to many of the 700-plus dams and related structures the USACE operates and maintains.

KU researchers are exploring new, safer approaches for assessing dam and levee damage, which traditionally required manual inspection. The team’s approach will rely on artificial intelligence, according to co-primary investigator Jian Li, Francis M. Thomas Chair’s Council associate professor of civil, environmental and architectural engineering at KU.

“My main role is focused on using deep learning and computer vision to autonomously identify the location and severity of dam damage, such as concrete cracking and spalling, for which FRP repair is needed,” Li explains. “Once the repair is done, these locations are no longer inspectable. Therefore, we’ll also develop self-sensing FRP repairs to enable continued monitoring of the repaired regions to ensure long-term safety. By leveraging emerging technologies including artificial intelligence, computer vision and advanced sensing, our research will greatly enhance timely repair, retrofit and maintenance of the nation’s large inventory of concrete dams.” 

In the meantime, work is underway by KU faculty, postdoctoral researchers, graduate students and undergraduate research assistants to identify fiber-reinforced polymer materials for use in concrete gravity dam applications. Materials characterization and large-scale testing is being performed at three different KU laboratories: the West Campus Structural Testing Facility, the Learned Hall Structural Engineering Testing Laboratory and the Lutz Fracture and Fatigue Laboratory

Rémy Lequesne, associate professor of civil, environmental and architectural engineering, says, “We’re developing more efficient methods for dam inspection and, through data collection and model development, providing tools that engineers can use to make decisions about whether and how to repair existing dams.”

Lequesne will oversee experimental testing of simulated joints in concrete dams, both with and without repairs. “Results will lead to recommendations and new modeling tools that engineers can use for assessment and design of repairs,” he says.

In addition, KU researchers will conduct a review of all research into FRP materials, with a particular interest in carbon-fiber-reinforced materials, to inform the project. 


Friday, June 7, 2024

Materials & Processes: Fibers for composites

 The structural properties of composite materials are derived primarily from the fiber reinforcement. Fiber types, their manufacture, their uses and the end-market applications in which they find most use are described.

Glass fibers

The majority of all fibers used in the composites industry are glass. Glass fibers are the oldest and, by far, the most common reinforcement in most end-market applications (the aerospace industry is a significant exception) to replace heavier metal parts. Glass fiber weighs more than the second most common reinforcement, carbon fiber, and is not as stiff, but is more impact-resistant and has a greater elongation-to-break (that is, it elongates to a greater degree before it breaks). Depending upon the glass type, filament diameter, coating chemistry (called “sizing,” see “Critical fiber sizing," below) and fiber form, a wide range of properties and performance levels can be achieved.


New Algorithm Turns Fiber Optic Cables into Global Earthquake Sensors

 New Algorithm Turns Fiber Optic Cables into Global Earthquake Sensors Table of Contents Introduction How Fiber Optic Cables Improve Earthqu...